Breakfast in the park, December 15th, 2024
Fantastic morning spent with our friends from the Nissan Patrol Club SA This is our 36th “ Breakfast in the Park” event. Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to all our friends and family. We all had a wonderful time together.
Deep Creek October 26th 2024
Theatre Night October 18th 2024
Members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA and friends attended the Metropolitan Arts Theatre production of the BOY from OZ.
This is a musical biography/tribute to the late, great Peter Allen, The Boy from Oz tells his dazzling, funny and heartbreaking story, from humble beginnings growing up in the Australian outback through a historical rise to fame and international stardom. Peter Allen became a superstar in the 1980s, best known for hits like “I Honestly Love You”, “I Go to Rio” and for winning the Academy Award for the theme song from the film Arthur, as well as having been discovered by Judy Garland, marrying her daughter, Liza Minnelli, and his record-breaking runs at Radio City Music Hall.
It was a brilliant show with Peter Allen capturing the audience with his one liners. The costumes were brilliant, the singing was excellent and Peter himself from past to present and back again. The whole cast can be commended on a wonderful performance.
Yankalilla to Cape Jervis October 13th, 2024
On Sunday 13th October the Yankalilla Lions Club hosted a 4WD trip from Yankalilla Oval to Cape Jervis. Saturday afternoon Maddie, John, Carmen, Colin, Aileen and Rod met at Wirrina Cove and set up for a short two night stay. We enjoyed a pleasant afternoon exploring this vast property that includes an oval and nearly 100 camping and caravan sites. Late in the afternoon we noticed flathead and chips were on offer from the reception/kiosk area for $12. Despite having taken our own meals we indulged and enjoyed these excellent meals!
Sunday we met all who drove from Adelaide for the day at the Yankalilla Oval. These included members from the Mitsubishi 4WD club. We departed Yankalilla oval at 9am and made our way along dirt roads before entering tracks on private property. During the day we enjoyed lunch and morning tea whilst enjoying some magnificent views from these properties along Backstairs passage. We drove through pine forests, Starfish Hill Wind Farm experiencing the wind turbines at close range as well as lush green fields and healthy cattle.
A wonderful day was enjoyed by all who attended.
45th Annual Dinner June 29th, 2024
The 45th Anniversary Dinner of the Nissan Patrol Club of South Australia was held on Saturday evening, 29 June. A big thank you to Maddie and John Day and Carmen and Colin Riddle for organising such a fun and memorable night of good food and fellowship – and some wickedly tricky quiz questions
Old Tailem Town April 14th, 2024
20 people gathered in the car park at 1100 set to explore the town that never was. This little gem of a town is a collection of buildings from parts of South Australia and interstate. It was the brain child of Peter Squires and has taken a lot of time, help and hard work to set up.
The buildings are setup as shops of the era and took some of us back to our younger years. Armed with maps we all headed off to explore and then met up for our home bought lunches in The Lillimur Hall (reminded me of my old school hall!) Geoff recalled reciting a poem when he was aged about 9 in a similar hall so after minimal encouragement, he took to the stage and recited Mulga Bills Bicycle. A long poem which he knew word for word. Well done Geoff.
After lunch it was on the streets to go back in time again. An amazing collection of rusty old cars, farm machinery, huge engines dating back to when they were first invented, and tools etc. Houses were in different styles giving us good examples of what people lived in. Not much room by today’s standards. Limed hessian sacking lined walls and ceilings and one house was pugged with cow dung!
Shops included butchers, Bakery, dressmaker, Teahouse, Saddlery, blacksmith, bootmakers, wrecking yard, chemist, barber and newsagent to name a few. You can’t have a town without facilities so there was also a hospital, fire station, dentist, powerhouse, church or 2, movie house, lawyers etc.
Such a wonderful day with good company and perfect weather. Thanks Helen and Dave for providing us with this opportunity to visit old Tailem town. When we whizz past now, we can say” We’ve Been there !!!”
NPC 182 Renee Garrett
Picnic in the Park 17th December 2023
We had just over thirty members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA attend this year’s “Breakfast in the Park Christmas breakup at the East end of Rymill Park by the rose bushes. Perfect sunny morning sitting at about 24 degrees under the Elm Tre. It was fantastic to see a good attendance at this event including members we had not seen for a while. as it is our last one for the year. As more members arrived the circle of chairs & tables grew larger. With decorations of Santa Hats, Christmas Lights around, we knew Christmas is just around the corner. Members bought their breakfast of Subway, coffee, and drinks. Nibbles were popular, fresh fruit, Christmas cake, slices, and Chocolates. Celebrating the Festive Season, we mingled and had a few photos taken. It was a lovely morning to be together.
We would like to wish all our club Members and Family a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year for 2024.
Theatre Night “42nd Street” 27th October 2023
Thirty members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA and friends enjoyed a night at the Arts Theatre to see the production of 42nd Street which was a foot tapping delight.
The stunning outfits, fabulous music and superb singing made for a fantastic couple of hours. From when the curtain was drawn left you wanting for more. After the show about half of the group made good with a coffee and cake at Café Vacini. I am sure we all would have gone home smiling, with a spring in our step.
REGIONAL PROFILE CUTTERS – Tailem Bend September 9th 2023
Saturday 9th September saw 18 Nissan Club Members converge on the Regional Profile Cutters business in Tailem Bend. On arrival we were served tea, coffee and homemade biscuits and a friendly visit by their black cat who took a shine to both Dave and Rod.
John Wicker, who was an experienced welder/boilermaker explained that in 2011 he had the idea to venture into precision profile plasma cutting of both Mild Steel and Aluminium to create unique products. The mild steel is heavier and will rust whereas Aluminium is lighter and will stay shiny. To fulfill this idea meant he needed to purchase an appropriate machine from America. His daughter Katherine who enjoyed art work and being creative was enlisted to be the designer.
The introductory talk was followed by an invitation to view the plasma cutter in operation, son David brushing the steel, Katherine showing her many skills in designing and lastly visiting the shop where a myriad of items were on sale.
In the cutting area a large sheet of steel was put on a grid like platform and the cutter burnt out the shape according to the computer designed image. The designs are created so as to ensure the least wastage of metal occurs. Whilst we were watching John created several beautiful lotus type flowers.
Once the designs are cut they then go to David who uses a special magnetised table to smooth the cut edges with an angle grinder. John designed the table himself as the magnets stop the cutouts sliding about and thus making the work much easier. Aluminium does not receive this type of treatment.
Katherine gave an excellent working example on the computer of how she either creates or interprets the requests from customers. It appears everything is possible. Many images have been created using photos submitted from customers.
John is proud that, with the exception of his machine, everything else is purchased within Australia and staff members are South Australian. Their work has become extremely popular with product going locally and overseas to New Zealand, England, Canada and America.
The shop area was loaded with all types of goodies as Regional Profile Cutters sell garden stakes, privacy screens, fireboxes, gates, signage, weathervanes and wall art in either mild steel or aluminum. A profile of every type of animal was on sale. With such a variety of items it was difficult to make a decision which to purchase.
By noon it was time to head toward the Wellington Hotel for lunch. One could tell that it was spring as dotted along the road side were huge clumps of multi-coloured Gazanias in full bloom and trees branches loaded with yellow wattle. Lunch was a very pleasant affair with all meals being served in a timely manner.
Well done to Helen Richards for the inspiration of this great visit.
NPC Number 31
Mid Year Lunch
Theatre Night 19th May 2023
The Nissan Patrol Club of South Australia members and friends attended a social evening at the Arts Theatre to enjoy the production of “Nunsense” performed by the Metropolitan Musical Theatre Company of SA.
Everyone who attended had a wonderful time, and our evening concluded with 14 members enjoying coffee and cake at Da Vinci in O’Connell Street
Goolwa Beach Run 19th February 2023
On a beautiful sunny Sunday eight vehicles and their occupants met at the Goolwa Surf Lifesaving Club car park at 0900, ready to prepare their vehicles for the beach run down to the River Murray mouth about 10 km away. Following a safety briefing from Paul, and with tyres aired down , off we went. The beach was littered with literally millions of small (and some a little bit bigger) smelly dead fish, a result of the sediment from the Murray flooding washing out to sea.
Arriving at our usual spot just around the corner from the beach we found the sand hills had been badly eroded and the sharp edge was hazardous to get too close with the vehicles, but no-one did, so all was well.
Shelters were set up and all gathered under with their chairs, and the chatting began, with some sipping of cool drinks. Some members walked along the sand to the lake side, and were amazed at the amount of erosion that had taken place, with the sand cliffs around 5 to 6 meters high in places. We were told later by one of the locals that the mouth had moved approximately 300 meters as a result of the rushing water.
Lunch came and went, and it was not long after that the group started to disperse and take down the shelters. With that done we then proceeded back along the beach to the car park and the re-inflating of tyres. With that completed most adjourned to the beachside cafe for a well deserved coffee, and eventually returned to their cars and then home.
The weather was very kind, a balmy 27 degrees, with a gentle breeze, and this made for a great day out. Thanks to Paul for being our trip leader.
Picnic in the Park 18th December 2022
We had just on over 25 members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA to celebrate our 34th Christmas “Breakfast in the Park” at the East end of Rymill Park by the rose bushes. It was a perfect sunny morning sitting at about 24 degrees. A few sprinklers which had been installed recently gave some of us a fresh shower.
Rearranging our chairs & tables, we all enjoyed out inaugural get together.
It was fantastic to see a good attendance at this event, including members we had not seen for a while, as it is our last one for the year. With decorations of Santa Hats, Christmas Lights around, we knew Christmas is just around the corner.
Nibbles were popular, fresh fruit, Christmas cake, slices, and Chocolates, Christmas biscuits and rum balls, all those nice goodies we love to eat. It was a lovely morning to be together and memories were made. We would like to wish all our club Members, Families and Friends a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year for 2023.
GoKarting November 19th 2022
On Saturday 19th November a group of eight thrill seekers and a spectator met at Kartmania Gepps Cross. We arrived at 1:30pm and registered six of our participants and it was quite busy with lots of people queued up to also register.
Finally Kobus, Mariki, Paul, Sara, Rod, Karen, Caleb and Zali donned their helmets ready to participate in the next race. Unfortunately three quarters through the race before them the rain came down and these drivers were brought in for safety reasons. Following a short delay the organisers decided the weather radar looked clear enough to continue but the track had to be swept first. There were 14 participants in carts in event 18 with 8 being Nissan Patrol Club members and family. Caleb was the best placed of our participants finishing second with a best lap of 56.787, Rod was fifth with best lap of 59.134 and Kobus was seventh with best lap of 60.301. At 4:15 pm Kobus, Mariki, Paul, Sara, Rod and Caleb donned their helmets ready to go again. There were only 11 participants in carts in event 20 with 6 being Nissan Patrol Club. Results this time Caleb was again placed second with a best lap of 47.986, Kobus was fifth with best lap of 50.565 and Rod was seventh with best lap of 51.871. It was great to see the confidence grow in their second races.
Once we had finished this part of the afternoon we headed to Coopers Ale House across the road for a celebratory drink and chat.
Thank you to those who attended and I am sure all enjoyed a different Saturday afternoon!
Theatre Night – “Guys and Dolls” October 28th 2022
The Nissan Patrol Club SA members and friends attended the Metropolitan Arts Theatre production of Guys and Dolls.
Set in bustling Manhattan, Guys and Dolls is a Depression era romantic comedy featuring crap games, horse races, gamblers, show girls and the evangelist members of a downtown Mission. A few show stopping songs, especially the Hot Box Girls, the solo by Nicely-Nicely singing Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat with the ensemble accompanying him.
The cast were amazingly talented, and the large orchestra achieved a lovely sound balance to match in with the singers.
A great night had by all and after the show we enjoyed supper together at Da Vinci in O’Connell Street Adelaide.

Mid Year Lunch 26th June 2022
Today 38 members celebrated the 43rd Anniversary of the Nissan Patrol Club of SA at the Goolwa Hotel. A 3 course meal was served, consisting of:
First course- Minestrone Soup.
Second course- choice of Fish, Pork or Pie.
Third course- choice of Apple Crumble, Berry Cheesecake or Fruit Salad.
Followed by Tea and Coffee.
A great catch-up for members!
Raffle winners were 1st Kobus. 2nd Helen and 3rd Brenda.
Good food, lots of laughs, and plenty of memories were made today.
Murray Mouth Goolwa 27th February 2022

What a day! Paul and Sara W started their day with breakfast at Pippies, the cafe on the shore of Goolwa Beach, and it looked really good.
The rest of us all met at the Goolwa Beach car park at 9 am and the weather was perfect, not too hot. There were 9 vehicles, with 19 people in total. After we had aired down we set off down the beach, with John K as tail-end-charlie who was heard to say “I haven’t been bogged”, but after approximately three quarters of the journey to the Murray mouth we heard over the radio “I got bogged but am out now”. We all waited and eventually Bill S went to help to find him still bogged but was able to help him unbog himself.
Once all together at the mouth out came the coffee and cakes, with Carmen producing hot cross buns, While buttering these Paul was ribbing her about bringing hot cross buns to which she replied “leave my buns alone”. We all laughed at that.
Rod K, Paul, Jim B and Bill C went to the water to try to catch some fish, but it was not to be. However a young lad who was fishing a short way from us did manage to land a very nice sized mulloway which he was very excited about.
Lunch happened around midday, and then it was time to pack up and leave, which we did, and then proceeded back to the car park. After airing up again it was on to the cafe where we had some nice coffee and finally said our goodbyes and then went our separate ways home.
It was a great day for all, so thanks Paul!
Theatre Night 7th May 2021
36 members and friends of the Nissan Patrol Club SA attended the musical Legally Blonde at the Metropolitan Theatre on Friday the 7th of May at 7.30pm.
It was an entertaining evening with a feisty, fearless, and fiery show. With a lot of pink and a lot of passion.

“OLD TIME(RS)” SOCIAL PICNIC” 28th February 2021
On a perfect 24-degree day 25 Nissan Patrol Club members travelled to Strathalbyn to visit and view the Classic and Collectable Cars and Gilberts Motor Museum.
After assembling at a local park we all took a short walk to Collectable Classics to view their range of Vintage, Veteran, Classic and Collectable cars. Graham Simpson kindly gave us some background information of the business. Graham then took a group photo of the club members.
After lunch we headed back to the car park for our next walk to visit Gilbert’s Motor Museum. A fantastic collection of about 45 cars including South Australian motor sport history. Also motorbikes and iconic Indian motor bike, a lot of racing memorabilia including a video of racing.
By 4pm it was time to head home after a great day.
Helen Richards (364)
Breakfast in the Park 20th December 2020
We had just on 40 members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA attend their inaugural “Breakfast in the Park” for our 32nd Christmas breakup at the East end of Rymill Park by the rose bushes. Perfect sunny morning sitting at about 24 degrees. It was fantastic to see a good attendance at this event including members we had not seen for a while. as it is our last one for the year. As more members arrived the circle of chairs & tables grew larger. With decorations of Santa Hats, Christmas Lights around, we knew Christmas is just around the corner. Even Lucy the dog embraced the festivities with her costume. Members bought their McDonalds & Subway coffee and drinks. Nibbles were popular, fresh fruit, Christmas cake, slices, Tim Tams and Chocolates. This year due to COVID-19 we were unable to share, and social distancing and sanitising was adhered too. Celebrating the Festive Season, we mingled and had a few photos taken. It was a lovely morning to be together after a challenging year.
We would like to wish all our club Members and Family a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year for 2021.
Breakfast in the Park 15th December 2019
We had just on 40 members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA attend their inaugural “Breakfast in the Park” for our 31st Christmas breakup at the east end of Rymill Park by the rose bushes. Weather was perfect sitting at about 24 degrees, and it was fantastic to see a good attendance at this event as it is our last one for the year. As more members arrived the circle of chairs grew larger. With Santa hats, Christmas decorations around, we knew Christmas is just around the corner. Even Lucy the dog embraced the festivities. Breakfasts have altered quite considerably over the years. Where BBQ’s (Bacon & Eggs) and Pancakes were cooked, members bring their McDonalds & Subway. Nibbles are and always will be popular, fresh fruit, Christmas cake, slices, even scones. Coffee, tea, and bubbly to help celebrate the Festive Season. Wishing all our club Members and Family a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year for 2020.
Family Picnic 24th November 2019
The Nissan Patrol Club held a very successful Family Christmas Picnic at the Challa Gardens Primary School with 23 members and 10 children ( Summer, Piper, Zali, Jaxon, Logan, Ruby, Kellie, Braydon, Liam & Charlie) and 2 dogs Lucy and Bunyip, enjoying a sunny 27-degree day of fun and activities. We had eskies with canned drinks, water and fruit boxes. Everyone bought their own picnic lunch and we had a beautiful site in the schoolgrounds underneath the canopies.
Having a playground at the school is great for the children as they waited for everyone to arrive. Our first game for the day was “Simon Says” I must admit these kids are clever. Took a while but eventually Zali took out the honours and was declared the winner receiving her prize. Next the challenging “Tug-of-War” with the children and adults all participating. The children are exceptionally stronger now days as they defeated all the adults. Lollipops & Mentos were given out to all who participated.
Our next game was with Professor Albert who created the Landing Module on the Moon. For the adults it was to locate “The landing spot “Sea of Storms” and the children had to locate the “Sea of Tranquillity.” We had our 4 winners. Children 1st prize went to Kellie and 2nd prize went to Liam and Adults 1st Prize went to John Kerr and 2nd Prize went to Daniel Rayner.
By this time, we all had built up an appetite. Picnic baskets were opened, and we all enjoyed our picnic lunch. After lunch the children gathered around the tree which had a seat surrounding it. A game of “Pass the Parcel” with music provided by Sara. Every child managed to have a chance to unwrap a layer with a lolly in each wrapper with Jaxon as the outright winner. I had heard that Father Christmas was in the building so 10 excited children raced in to see him sitting in his chair. The children enjoyed having their photo taken with Father Christmas. His rendition of Ho Ho Ho! and with his helper Maddie distributed all the presents and lollies to all the children. So, the adults did not miss out and they have been good this year Father Christmas had his photo taken with them also. Santa was a busy man, so he had to say goodbye to everyone and head off to another Christmas Party.
It was time for another game. “
The Red Christmas Ornament Piñata was then tied onto the rope and with an eager line up of children starting from the smallest to the tallest they took it in turns with a blindfold and gave that Christmas Ornament a good whacking!!!!!
Finally !!!! the Red Christmas Ornament succumbed and could take no more and split open with lollies everywhere. All the children ran up and gathered as many lollies as they could.
With lollies devoured quickly Ice-creams were then presented to all the adults and children.
That was the last of the organised entertainment for the day. All the families started to pack up and left for home. We were happy with the day sending the children home with smiles on their faces and a “Big Sugar Rush”
Many thanks to the Committee for all their help in setting up & packing up, assisting with all the tasks required and different jobs that were needed to make this day happen.
Theatre Night “Mamma Mia” 25th October 2019
46 members & friends of the Nissan Patrol Club of SA enjoyed a night of song and dance to the musical Mamma Mia. It was the ultimate feel good show. Full of colour, energy, the characters were amazing. ABBA classics to sing along too.
We enjoyed our coffee and cake at Bocelli Caffe after the show.
We had the time of our lives.
The story goes like this……
On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings 3 men from her mother’s past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. The story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs propel this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship, that contrasts the dreams and desires of a young woman about to become a bride with those of her mother, a free spirit of the 70s who never married.
40th Anniversary Dinner 13th July 2019
Well! What a splendid night we had!
The 40th Anniversary dinner for the Nissan Patrol Club was held on 13th July in celebration of that milestone. It was held at the Glenelg Golf Club in a very fitting room. On arrival we were met by Jeanene and Judy who gave us an envelope with details of our seating, name tags, door prize tickets and a very nice memento – a medallion on a ribbon.
At least 80 people attended, both past and present members.
During the evening there were 2 quiz sessions that kept us on our toes. There was also a continuous slide show of past trips and activities to keep us interested and a table of memorabilia, pictures, and a photo album to reminisce over.
The 2014 Time Capsule was opened and several random proformas were read out by Jeff and Jeanene. A new 2019 proforma was filled in, and along with the “old” ones and memorabilia, were put back in the capsule and sealed, to be opened in 2024!
Goolwa Beach Run 24th February 2019
Christmas Family Picnic 25th November 2018
On a perfect 24 degrees the NPC Family Picnic was held at the Challa Gardens Primary School. A day where members, family and children enjoy time together getting ready for the festive season.
In attendance were 24 members & family with 8 excited children. This year there were several activities for adults and the children. Tug-of-War, (which both the adults & children participated in) all receiving lollipops & a packet of jubes for their efforts. This was followed by a game of “Simon Says” had everyone keeping on their toes with Indy the winner and presented with a prize.
Jeff (Professor Albert Einstein) with Jeanene assisting him organised a game of locating Alice Springs on the map with a pin. First to play were the children with Indy coming first and Summer coming second. Then came the adults turn. However, they had to pin the place where the last Vanilla Slice Competition was held. The answer was Mildura. After much fun and laughter Sharni came first followed by Elise and Helen equal second. They also received prizes.
A Christmas Tree Piñata “was literally a real hit”. After numerous hits with the rod, we helped open the Pinata. All the children enjoyed collecting the lollies as they scattered across the ground.
A picnic lunch was enjoyed by all with cool drinks & champagne for the adults.
Next game was Pass the Parcel which after 16 unwrapped papers Zoe was announced the winner and presented with a prize.
It was now time to find Santa. This year we all had to look for Father Christmas as he was hiding. Finally, through the double doors we found him with his helper sitting down ready to present each child with their present and a bag of lollies. Even the adults enjoyed a cuddle and a bag of lollies from the “man in the red suit”.
It was time for Santa to head back to the North Pole.
Ice-creams were then distributed out to everyone to enjoy.
I feel pretty sure everyone who attended today went away with a bit of “Christmas Spirit” in them and for the kids a good dose of “Sugar Fix”.
What a great family picnic day and this also heralds the approach of yet another Christmas season with all our friends and family.
Many thanks to all the committee & members for their time in helping to set up and packing up equipment. The participation today was invaluable. For those who helped in purchasing items for the picnic, and making the day run smoothly.
I know Santa had a great time too.
39th Anniversary Lunch 24th June 2018
34 Members and guests enjoyed a 3-course meal at the Club Marion to celebrate our 39th Anniversary. A warm welcome was given to Jenny Thompson who was awarded her “Honorary Membership.” Jenny who has lived in Quorn for many years was accompanied by her family members John and Elizabeth.
Theatre Night 11th May 2018
Nissan Patrol Club members enjoyed an evening of fun & frolicking with a show at the Arts Theatre “High Societry” This was followed by coffee and cake at Caffe Bocelli Ristorante.
Every family should have an “Uncle Willie”
Goolwa Beach Run 7th January 2018
6 vehicles and 19 members and friends travelled to Goolwa to then drive along the beach to the Murray mouth. There were a number of grandchildren along, and all enjoyed swimming, making sand castles and eating lunch. They also enjoyed digging up cockles on the way back. It was a good day enjoyed by all, especially as it was perfect weather.
Breakfast in the Park 17th December 2017
Over 30 members of the club held their 29th annual “Breakfast at the park” in a new location at the east end of Rymill Park. Spirits were high as everyone participated in lots of yummy nibbles accompanied by glasses of Christmas cheer. Our final outing before the end of another successful year for the club.
Christmas Family Picnic 26 November 2017
The weather was a perfect 24 degrees for the first Family Picnic held at Challa Gardens Primary School. This was a fun day where adults and children enjoyed time together getting ready for the festive season. In attendance were 41 members and family adults plus 11 excited children. There were games an activities for both the children and adults.
These included pass the parcel, tug of war, Captain Nemo’s Submarine Hunt, an appearance of Santa and a “real hit” Piñata.
Visit to Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) 18 October 2017
41 members of the Nissan Patrol Club and Mitsubishi 4WD Club SA met at the new Adelaide RFDS base located at West Beach. We were welcomed by Anthea and Kristin, two RFDS fundraising employees, who gave us an insight into the 24 hour, 7 days a week operations of the base.The service was founded by Reverend John Flynn on 15 May 1928 and will therefore celebrate the 90 year anniversary in 2018 with special promotions around the state.
Polaris 4 blade prop planes are used by the Central/NT base. There are 69 RFDS planes Australia wide.
For more details see the December “Patrolling” magazine.
Theatre Night 13th October 2017 “Bye bye Birdie”
Over 30 members and family of the Nissan Patrol Club SA enjoyed an evening at the Arts Theatre to see the production of “Bye Bye Birdie.”
Coffee and cake finished of a fantastic night.
Mid Year Lunch 26th June 2017
Theatre Night 19th May 2017 “9 To 5”
Slot Car Night 18th February 2017
On Saturday, the 18th February, 24 members of the Nissan Patrol Club SA enjoyed a BBQ and an entertaining evening of slot car racing at the Fulham Park Raceway. John gave us an insight on the different types of cars, when racing nights were held, and invited anybody interested to come.
All the events involved qualifying to set a time the calculation of handicaps.
Corner Marshalling which involved replacing cars that dislodged from the guide slots during racing was used and as each driver’s heat was completed that driver then helped with marshalling.
Everyone who participated enjoyed the night immensely.
Winners tonight received a prize of either wine or chocolates & the children received a small gift each.
Many thanks to John and Sue for your hospitality, for John, Bert and Georgia for assisting John to making this night so successful.
Great tracks, great cars, great company and overall an entertaining night was had by all.
Christmas in the Park 18th December 2016
What a perfect 27-degree day was had at Hazelwood Park for 40+ Nissan Patrol Club members to enjoy the festivities of our annual “Breakfast in the Park” 2016. Breakfasts ranged from chicken salad, salmon rolls to bacon & eggs. Fresh fruit was shared amongst the members as well as homemade Christmas treats while toasting the Festival Season with champagne and coffee. This event always has a great attendance with the chance to wish everybody a Wonderful Christmas and A Happy New Year for 2017.
Family Christmas Picnic 27th November 2016
The Nissan Patrol Club held a very successful Family Christmas Picnic at Hazelwood Park. With 43 members and children enjoying a sunny 28-degree day of fun and activities. We had eskies with caned drinks and fruit boxes and bubbly for the adults. Everyone bought their own picnic lunch and we had a beautiful site with lots of shady trees.
We all enjoyed our picnic lunch which was followed by Father Christmas making an entrance with the children singing “Jingle Bells”. With his Ho! Ho! Ho! and helper Trish all the presents and lollies were distributed to all the children. Santa was a busy man so he had to say goodbye to everyone and head off to another Christmas Party.
Some families packed up and left for home, other sat around and enjoyed the weather and companionship of other members and families.
Many thanks to the Committee for all their help in setting up & packing up, assisting with all the tasks required and different jobs that were needed to make this day happen.
Theatre Night 14th October “The King and I”
The Nissan Patrol Club members, family & friends were treated to a night of entertainment with the Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “The King & I”. The costumes, actors made this production a real hit. Truly a show for all the family. It is a classic, funny, tragic and highly entertaining show.
A really ultimately uplifting story set in the Eastern country of Siam. An English widow, Anna Leonowens, and her young son Louis arrive at the Royal Palace in Bangkok, employed by the King to serve as tutor to his many children and wives including heir Prince Chululongkorn. The King is largely considered to be a barbarian by the Western countries. He summons Anna’s assistance in changing his image and ways. With both trying to retain their respective cultural traditions and values, they gradually grow to understand and respect one another, in a truly unique love story.
A Visit to SAPOL Air Command 9th March 2016
A great night was spent at SAPOL Air Command. About 40 members attended and were treated to information on the daily running of the helicopter wing and were able to have a very close look at various helicopters, including a look inside the SAPOL helicopter. There was also a Special Operations Landcruiser equipped for STAR Force and the uses of various pieces of equipment was explained. It was a very interesting and informative evening for all.
A Day at Goolwa, Murray Mouth 28th February 2016
On a perfect Sunday morning 8 cars met in the Goolwa beach car park and aired down the tyres for a drive along the beach to the mouth. At the mouth a few threw out lines but unfortunately there were no fish, only a few crabs were caught. The children enjoyed playing in the sand and paddling in the water. A treat was the sight of a seal playing in the mouth. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by all before heading back to the carpark.
Breakfast in the Park 20th December 2015
Over 30+ members enjoyed our 27th annual” Breakfast in the Park” 2015. The weather was inclement, with umbrellas being erected & car awnings to protect us from the rain. This year our choir of female members sang a rendition of the “Deck the Tracks’ which was very successful. Our voices are improving with age.
Some of our members had breakfast before arriving due to the weather, while some of us enjoyed a mixed breakfast of salmon rolls, bacon & eggs, croissants as well as all those Christmas treats freshly baked and made. Rumballs, cheese balls, apricot balls, cakes, slices………Oh don’t we love this time of the year.
This event is always popular with our club. It’s our final chance to wish everybody a Wonderful Christmas and A Happy New Year for 2016.
Family Christmas Picnic 22nd November 2015